Get back to the basics

Golf tips
By Cameron Rankin

Almost all swing flaws or faults stem from incorrect swing fundamentals. Check the following before making any changes to your swing.

The position of your clubhead (face) at address: position it at a right angle to your intended target line.

Grip: both hands should work together, with the back of your left hand facing the target, palm of your right hand facing the target. Looking down from your address position, you should see two knuckles on the back of your left hand. (The opposite for you left handed golfers.)

Posture: pelvic tilt from the waist keeping your spine as straight as possible. Your arms should hang directly down from your shoulders at the address position. Your legs should also be slightly flexed.

Foot/stance position: have your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly wider for wood play and slightly closer together for short irons.

Ball position: longer clubs, position your ball forward in your stance (closer to the target), moving your ball back in your stance as you get to your shorter irons (middle of your stance with wedges).

Body alignment: your clubhead and ball are positioned on the target line, your body alignment should be parallel left of your target line (for right handed golfers). Think of a railway line: clubhead and ball on one track and your body on the other track.

Check these six fundamentals and your shot results will improve.

Cameron Rankin is a member of the CPGA and British PGA, and the head pro at Sand Hills Golf Resort ( between Port Franks and Thedford.