Owl Prowl
Morrison Dam Conservation Area (ABCA administration centre workshop), Morrison Line, east of Exeter
Saturday, November 3, 7 to 9 p.m.
Register ahead of time at 519-235-2610 or 1-888-286-2810
The Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority’s Owl Prowl is your chance to take a guided hike in search of night creatures, especially the Eastern Screech Owl.
The evening begins at 7 p.m. sharp with a multimedia presentation focusing on the owls and how they adapt as nighttime hunters.
“It’s really amazing to find out about nocturnal creatures such as owls in our area and the fascinating ways they adapt to their environment,” says Julie Hicks, ABCA conservation education specialist.
After the slide show, you will join a guided night hike. Once your eyes will become accustomed to the dim light, you’ll be able to explore the wonderful world of owls and other creatures of the night.
Dress appropriately for a nighttime hike, and bring a mug to enjoy hot chocolate around an outdoor fireplace after the hike. This helps reduce waste created from using disposable cups.
Last year, more than 150 people joined the prowl. If rain is imminent on Nov. 3, call the ABCA for an update.