Helene and Bill Casey Lessard·August 1, 2007We can never know the depth of the pain the Regier family has experienced. I speak for my...NewsPortfolioRegiersVol. 1, #7·0 Comments·0
The gift of life can never be taken away Casey Lessard·August 1, 2007Message from Father Ray Lawhead as recorded at the Regier funeral For the past week there’s been a...NewsPortfolioRegiersVol. 1, #7·0 Comments·0
A prayer request from the Regiers Casey Lessard·August 1, 2007As presented to the media July 25 by Father Ray Lawhead It is with profound shock and sadness...NewsVol. 1, #7·0 Comments·0
It’s not too late to attract the rose-breasted grosbeak Jenipher Appleton·August 1, 2007The monogamous birds like to rub bills during courtship Living in BalanceBy Jenipher Appleton The rose-breasted grosbeak Pheucticus...Living in BalanceVol. 1, #7·0 Comments·0
Maintain the letter Y when chipping! Cameron Rankin·August 1, 2007Golf TipsBy Cameron Rankin When chipping, don’t try to lift the ball with your swing. Use the loft...Golf TipsPort FranksVol. 1, #7·0 Comments·0
Yes, it’s a 10! Casey Lessard·August 1, 2007Miss Saigon is a must-see, so get your ticketsBy Casey Lessard “That’s exactly what happened,” says Dave Nguyen,...NewsPortfolioVol. 1, #7·0 Comments·0